Can I Grow Spearmint at Home?

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

Are you looking for a new plant to grow indoors?

Mint is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. It’s also very versatile, so it can be used in cooking or as an ornamental plant. You can even use mint leaves to make tea! If you want something that will brighten up your home and give off a fresh scent, then mint is definitely the way to go.

Growing mint at home has never been easier! All you need are some simple supplies and instructions on how to care for your plant properly. Once you have everything set up, all that’s left is waiting until your plant starts growing big and strong before harvesting its leaves for whatever purpose you desire. Whether it be cooking with them or using them as decoration around your house, there are endless possibilities when it comes to growing this amazing herb inside!

Spearmint (Mentha spicata)

When is the Best Time of the Year to Plant Spearmint

Some people like to grow Spearmint as a houseplant. The best time of the year to plant Spearmint is during spring or fall, but it can also be planted in summer as long as it has plenty of shade and water. Keep in mind that it prefers soil that is on the moist side.

Where in the Garden Should You Plant Spearmint

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) is a perennial herbaceous plant that is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is a member of the Lamiaceae family. Spearmint can be planted in the garden in a number of places, depending on the purpose for which it is being grown.

When planting spearmint for culinary purposes, it should be grown in an area that gets plenty of sunlight. Spearmint grows best in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. It can be planted in the garden or in a container.

If you are growing spearmint for medicinal purposes, you will want to plant it in an area that gets partial shade. Spearmint grows best in moist soil that is rich in organic matter. It can be planted in the garden or in a container.

How Often Should I Watering Spearmint

This herb prefers cooler weather and moist soil but can tolerate drought conditions once established. Proper watering techniques will help your spearmint grow lush and healthy for harvesting leaves throughout spring and summer. You should also keep in mind that spearmint requires frequent watering, but does not like to sit in water.

If your soil is sandy, you should be giving your spearmint one inch of water per week. This amount will give the roots time to soak up enough moisture without potentially causing root rot or fungal issues with over-watering. If you have clay-type soil, it might be necessary to water your mint twice a week rather than once every week.

Spearmint is actually more drought tolerant than many other herbs because of its deep root system. This means you should only have to give deep watering’s in cases of extreme drought or if the plant appears wilted or not as healthy looking as it should be.

If you are an organic gardener, remember not to use synthetic fertilizers near your mint plants as this could damage or even kill them. A light application of compost in early spring will give your mint all the nutrients it needs to thrive. Mulching around the base of the plant will also help keep the moisture in and prevent weed growth.

If your mint is planted in a container, you should check the soil moisture every day by sticking your index finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, give it some water.

When and How to Harvest Spearmint

Spearmint is an herb that can be grown in your garden. It has a small, light green leaf with serrated edges and rounded tips. The leaves are fuzzy and have a sweet minty aroma. Spearmint is a perennial plant, meaning it will come back year after year. It can be harvested at any time during the growing season, but the best time to harvest is when the leaves are at their peak flavor.

To harvest spearmint, clip off the stems just above where they meet the base of the plant. To ensure that you are only harvesting leaves and not flowers, check for small white balls growing on the stems’ axils (where the stem meets leaf). Harvesting at this time will preferentially remove spent flowers while keeping more flavor in the leaves themselves.

There is no need to wash spearmint before drying. Simply clip off the stems, take them indoors, and spread them in a single layer to dry. When they are completely dry, store spearmint in a cool, dark place.

Different Ways to Store Spearmint

There are a few different ways that you can store spearmint. You can either store it in the fridge, in a container on the windowsill, or in the freezer.

Storing your spearmint in the fridge is best. To do this, just place your leafy stems of spearmint into a plastic bag and put them in the back of the refrigerator where it is colder. You can also keep them in an open container with some water on top of your frig door. Every time you open the door, a little bit of humidity will escape from the container. This keeps your spearmint fresh for a longer period of time.

Storing spearmint on the windowsill is good as well. To do this, just place your stems of mint into a cup with some water and put them in the window where they will get plenty of light and artificial sunlight, but not harsh direct sunlight that will scorch the leaves. This method is good for about a week of fresh spearmint.

Storing your spearmint in the freezer works best if you plan on using it within a month or so. You can either put your stems of mint into a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer or you can put them into a container and then put that container in the freezer. This method should keep your spearmint for up to a month.

When removing your spearmint from any of these locations, make sure you let it sit out on the counter to come to room temperature before using it because putting freshly frozen or refrigerated spearmint into hot water will give you somewhat of a cooked taste.

Other Things of Interest About Spearmint

  • Spearmint is a flowering plant with various culinary and medicinal uses
  • The leaves of spearmint are used for herbal teas, decorations, and garnishes
  • Spearmint is a common ingredient in chewing gum
  • It can be annoying to grow at home because it spreads quickly
  • It’s the only North American native mint
  • The flowers of spearmint can be used to make a sweet syrup
  • Spearmint oil is often used in toothpaste and mouthwash
  • It has a refreshing, sweet, and slightly minty taste
  • Spearmint is a good source of vitamin C. Source
  • It can be used to help relieve stomach aches, headaches, and other types of pain. Source

Conclusion: Now that you have a better idea of how to grow spearmint, go and try it out! If Spearmint doesn’t suit your needs, there are other mint varieties such as chocolate mint and apple mint. Mint is one of those plants that can serve many purposes! Whether you want to make tea or use it as an ornamental plant, mint is always a great choice. So go ahead and get started!

Spearmint – growing and harvesting (Garden mint)

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