Collecting Rain Water: Good For Your Garden & The Planet

Rain Water

Whether you live where it rains or where it pours, there’s a great, easy way you can conserve water for garden use.

Where I live (Calif.) that’s a very big deal, as we Californians head into a third consecutive drought year.

Rain “harvesting” isn’t a new concept, but let’s just say this oldie is a goodie.

Collecting Water – photo by Prem Anand

Whether you use a wine barrel to collect rainfall from your rooftop or recycle wastewater from household sinks, bathtubs, showers, and washing machines, you’re doing your water bill and the planet well. It’s as simple as setting up a simple capture system to redirect rainwater off the roof to a barrel

Bowls to collect rainwater

If all this sounds like too much work, there’s always a very easy way to save–turn off the sprinklers during the winter, unless it’s really dry and windy, in which case run them every so often. Get to know your sprinkler system and learn how to turn it off.

According to local experts in my hometown, Sacramento residents devote 60 percent of residential water use to their outdoor irrigation, and of that, 40 to 60 percent is wasted, as most homeowners over-water by 200 to 300 percent.”

How To Build A Rainwater Collection System

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